Phoenix Apartments for Rent

3 results for Phoenix
$4,500 Apartment
$6,000 Apartment
$4,500 Apartment

Living in a city like Phoenix, Arizona, similar to other cities in the Southwest of the United States, may take some getting used to if you’re relocating from outside of the region. Just to start, Phoenix is not only sweltering hot for close to ten months out of the year, but it also gets the most sunshine compared to all other metropolitan cities. Before deciding to move, it’s important that you also look up tips on how to cope with things like staying cool, healthy and hydrated; how to deal with the new critters you may encounter; and how to handle commuting to your daily activities. What’s nice is that the job market is growing, as Phoenix is one of the fastest growing cities in the US. On top of that, the cost of living is comparably low against the national average. When looking to rent an apartment in Phoenix, the areas offer very different accommodation costs. In neighborhoods like Florence or Central city, you’ll be able to find apartments for prices between $700-$900 - these would be considered areas to find more cheap apartments in Phoenix. On the other hand, check more suburban areas like Paradise Valley or Desert View where rents are higher, closer to $1,400-$1,700 per month.

Furnished & Serviced Apartments in Phoenix

Serviced apartments in Phoenix are recommended for those who may be in the city for a month or more, but are not actually based there. These types are apartments, although more pricey, present a more comfortable and natural apartment-style look an feel. They often even come with hotel-style amenities, like housekeeping and laundry. What’s nice about furnished apartments in Phoenix is that because the national average rent is so low, what are typically more costly apartments in more expensive cities, pan out to also be slightly less expensive here. They can mostly be found in high numbers around the urban, downtown area, however they are available and access all areas.

Types of Accommodations in Phoenix

Rooms for Rent in Phoenix

If you are looking for a room to rent in Phoenix as a way to save money, it’s important to where in the city you will be conducting your daily activities. Geographically, the metro area of the city of Phoenix is the 5th largest in the United States. This only means that there is room for lots of space and that, keeping the heat in mind, commuting by foot is impossible. The downtown area, however, is serviced by rail line, which extends into the eastern suburbs. Otherwise, if you’re living in the downtown area and are close to your work, buying or renting your own bike could be a great solution. When renting a room in the more urban areas of Phoenix proper, rooms can be found for renting between $500-$900 as the income in this area can be quite mixed. Additionally, Glendale is another prime location for renting a room, as the area is almost separate from the actual city.

Student Housing in Phoenix

When choosing the location for your first, or next student apartment in Phoenix, as mentioned above, it’s important to know where your campus is, as it will save money and stress to not have to commute so far. The University of Phoenix is the largest university in the city and is largely responsible for the large numbers of youths that inhabit the area. Most student residences in Phoenix are located around the universities, which are largely student-populated and overwhelmingly filled with rental properties. This can sometimes cause the quality of apartments to decline as they are passed from young renter to young renter, who may not otherwise care much for the property they’re responsible for. If you’re looking for another option, perhaps one that is possible with a car, then you have a greater access to options. Some suburbs just outside the city are quite affordable, also.