Whats is Nestpick?

Nestpick is the biggest search engine to find furnished rental apartments and rooms worldwide. We list more than 1 million properties from over 100 partners in more than 200 cities. With one easy click you can compare rental prices, check out the location of your desired apartment and sort your search with amenities you wish. Our goal is to make apartment hunting easier for everyone!

What kind of accommodation can I find with Nestpick?

You can find mid-to-long term furnished rentals including apartments and rooms, as well as corporate housing and student residences. Use our smart search engine to find your accommodation.

In which cities is Nestpick available?

We are live in 200 cities worldwide. From Berlin to London, Paris to New York, Singapore to Melbourne, Seoul to San Francisco. Use our smart search tool to list rentals in your selected city.

In which languages am I able to use Nestpick?

You can use Nestpick in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian. Simply switch the language from the top right-side of the homepage and you're ready to go.

Is Nestpick free to use?

Yes! Nestpick is 100% free of charge.

Do you have a mobile app?

Yes! You can download our mobile application on Google Play Store and App Store.

Where do the listings on Nestpick come from?

Our partners from all around world provide us their valuable listings and we are responsible for making sure those listings are reachable for you.

Can I trust the listings on Nestpick?

Yes! We only work with trustworthy partners and ensure our listings are updated.Our valued partners are top vetted accommodation providers, who ensure the best quality of their housing.

Does Nestpick help me with my booking?

We offer many options and sources for you to choose from. However, once you decide for your preference, you will be redirected to one of our valuable partners, who are responsible for your booking and will further facilitate your renting experience. This means that Nestpick will no longer follow up your further step with the booking.

Where is my booking confirmation?

Please contact with your housing provider for any questions regarding your booking. We don’t have access to your booking information.

How can I sign up and use Nestpick?

You do not need to sign up to use Nestpick. However we suggest you create an account to keep updated on the new housing options and get alerted when there is a price drop on the properties you like. Also, creating an account is free of charge, so why not?

Can I check prices in different currencies?

You can change the currency by clicking on the currency in the top menu of the screen and selecting your chosen currency from the drop down list.

How can I filter my search?

For a more accurate search, you can filter the results by moving dates, price, size, neighbourhoods, property type and amenities. Just apply those filters and get the relevant results immediately. Moreover, the pinned spots on the city map help you see the location of properties.

How can I get updates of my search results?

If you want to save your current search and get informed of further updates, you can sign up and create an alert. We will send you notifications per Email if there are any new properties added to your list.

Can I save my favourite listing?

Sure! Just click the heart symbol on the property and it will be saved in your wishlist. Once you login you can view all your favorite properties.

Is my personal data on Nestpick safe?

Yes! We will not sell, share, or provide your IP details, cookies, personal information and location data to others other than in accordance with our privacy policy or where we are not required to do so by law.

How can I list my property on Nestpick?

If you are a online rental platform, a property manager or an individual owner, and want to get your property listed on our website, just go to our list you property page and send us your contact information and we'll get back to you soon.

How do I get in touch with Nestpick?

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at info@nestpick.com